Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My bird is broken :(

Well, I have been having some trouble with Katana's weight. On Saturday when she flew at 990, her response was not great so I was told to cut her weight. So I did. At 970 and 950 her flights were weak and she was taking low perches. Today I flew her twice - first at 1030 which is the weight she caught her first rabbit at, and second at 995. At both weights she would watch the rabbits flushed run away, not follow, and gave no lure response whatsoever. She did catch a rat that ran under her while she was sitting in the ground in the field. All she did was reach out and grab it. I think that something is wrong, as she should not be passing up flights. If she were high or low she might fly and pull off the prey, but not just watch as it runs away. I am going to take her in for a fecal and blood tests to see if she is sick, and will go from there. I cropped her up tonight and will give her tomorrow off. Based on the results of her tests, I plan to fly her again on Thursday around 990g, and leave her there for a few hunts to see if she comes around. I suppose only time will tell.

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