Monday, February 18, 2008

First Double of the Season!!

Took Katana out today to a field across the street from one we usually fly. She started out very strong and followed closely. Second bunny up, and she scored! Yea! I transferred her of and decided to keep hunting. The transfer was beautiful. I held her on the fist for a few minutes until she roused, and then kept on going. We had some more hard chases, but no success. After an hour and a half, we decided to make our way back to the car.We worked the outer edge of the field on the way back, but no flushes! I was starting to give up hope when I saw a rabbit sneak into a pile of wood. Katana followed to a tree nearby the pile, and Brandi and I began to flush. After pulling the pile apart, the rabbit finally broke free and Katana was in hot pursuit. It was a LONG flight, several hundred yard, and then I heard the familiar screams of a rabbit. Running as fast as I could, I made in. About halfway there the screams stopped but I kept running. Katana had the rabbit tightly by the head, and there was no escaping. I transferred her off and cropped her up for her efforts. She won't fly tomorrow, but will be ready to go again Wed! 2 in the bag - first double of the season! YAAHHHOOO!
18 rabbits, 3 snakes, 2 grasshoppers, 1 frog, 1 mouse, 2 rats

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