Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Soaring the Wind

Sunday I took Katana to two fields. She had some close attempts in the first field but no luck. She did take the first rabbit up in the second field though. It was a long flight and she nailed it atop a rock pile across the field. She is definitely flying much stronger now, I am glad that I am able to hunt her 6 days a week. I would take her out all 7, but it is nice to have a day off for both of us.
Today I took Katana out hunting, despite the 25-30 mph winds. The first field I came to yielded a few slips. When I hunt this field and get lucky, she will perch atop the bill board at one end. Today was such a day, and the billboard was upwind from where I was flushing - perfect. She had a beautiful flight from the top of the billboard, but all it yielded was a broken tail feather :(. I took her to another field that has fewer perches, and something amazing happened. She began to soar. Instinctively I reached for the lure, that is until I realized that she was circling above me. I began running around like a crazy person, desperately trying to flush a rabbit. She must have been 300 foot up when the rabbit broke. She folded her wings and dropped straight down. I could only sit and watch in awe. Even though she missed the rabbit, probably due to the wind, it was one of the most amazing things that I have ever seen her do. And that was not all, she did it twice. We left the field empty handed, but I consider this a very successful hunt. Her flight styles are evolving, all she needs to do is fine tune them.

21 rabbits, 3 snakes, 2 grasshoppers, 1 frog, 1 mouse, 2 rats

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