Monday, September 22, 2008

Moving outside

On Friday, I can home from work a little early, so I had plenty of time to get Katana acclimated to the living room. I set up a perch for her to sit on for a few hours, and when she finally calmed down we tried some jumps ups. At first, she stared at me like I was crazy, but after the first jump the light bulb went off in her head. Her response became instant, and I could tell it was all coming back to her. The lure response at the end way iffy, but she still jumps to it 5 feet away. All in all I must say her performance was good for this early on. She is also still a little fat.
Sunday, I went ahead and moved her outside on the creance. I only set up a 20 feet line, as I did not want to push her at the higher weight. Again, she was hesitant at first, but her response got better with each flight. There was also a lot of surounding noise and distraction, so I think where I creanced her worked out great. Her lure response at the end of the session was instant, but I use the term response very loosely. I think I work my little girl out, considering she immediately ran to the lure when called. We are getting closer to her weight, and I hope to have her out in the field by next weekend. Weight today was 1030 grams.

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