Thursday, September 25, 2008

So much closer...

Due to the fact that school keeps me out past dark, I have to work Katana in the house on most weekday evenings. I came home and immediately perched her in the living room for about an hour while I did some homework, and then I set her up to do some jumps ups. This time there was no hesitation, and her response was immediate everytime. We did about 25 jump ups before I pulled the lure, and she immediately came to it. I had her tethered on a long leash in the house as I don't want to run the risk of her flying free and hurting herself. The lure flight was a short one due to this, but I think that she is definitely remembering the game. I will put her back outside on the creance on Friday, with hopes to take her to the field Sunday. I know that her hunts will start short (especially after learning my lesson from last year!) but I will be happy to get her back in the air for some excercise.
Weight: 995 grams

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