Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Quick Hunt

Went to a local field today to fly Katana and ran into Ryan on the way there. He has been trying to enter his Prairie Falcon on rabbits. I decided to beat the brush for him and the bird did very well, but did not catch a bunny. I went to a nearby field to hunt, one that I have not hit in months. It was close and time was short so I figured it best to at least get Katana some flight time. I left Ryan at 2:00. Pulled into the field and tossed Katana up. I was crossing the tracks when the first rabbit broke and Katana was on it from her very high perch. She nailed the rabbit by the head and had it completely under control when I got there a few seconds later. I transferred her off, which went beautifully, and fed her up. I gathered everything up and went back to the car. The hunt was over by 2:20. it was a short day, but she flew hard on her one chase and received a nice reward for her efforts. Tomorrow I will fly her longer as time won't be as much of an issue.
26 rabbits, 3 snakes, 2 grasshoppers, 1 frog, 1 mouse, 2 rats

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