Thursday, March 13, 2008

That time of year again :(

Let me preface this be emphasizing again - I HATE SNAKES! Katana, however, loves them.
I am getting ahead of myself though. Today we flew 2 of our regular fields. As we entered the first field, we did not see anything at first. After a bit, we finally kicked up a rabbit which narrowly escaped Katana as it made cover. It was not as lucky the second time around, as Katana grabbed it cleanly by the head at the reflush. Yeah! #30 for the season! We kept on hawking until Belle called and said that we had to pick her up an hour earlier than planned, so we left the field. We picked her up and headed to a field closer to the house. A couple of rabbits flushed, but none satayed out in the open long enough for Katana to get from her high vantage point in the overhead tree. As I was heading to the car, she flew down and it seemed that she had landed on the ground. She usually does this when she does not like the perch options available to her. Not this time. Krys walked over and she was wrestling with a 3 foot Grey Rat snake. Krys tried to get me to transfer her off, but it still makes my skin crawl to think of it. Fortunately for me, he has been there for every one of her snake catches, and this was no exception. After making fun of me excessively, he did the dirty deed. I do know that it is only a matter of time before she will catch one with only me around, but until then I will let Krys take care of it.

30 rabbits, 4 snakes, 2 grasshoppers, 2 frogs, 2 mice, 3 rats, 1 crawfish

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