Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Two out of three ain't bad!!

Well, another windy day yesterday. Brandi and I headed to a field we hadn't been to in a while in search of game for Katana. We worked for a LONG time with out kicking up any rabbits. Katana followed along very well, especially considering the lack of game we put under her. She did fly at something which neither Brandi nor I saw. Coming to the end of one side of the field, we kicked up a rabbit. Due to Katana's excellent positioning, she took off and nailed it. I transferred her off the rabbit and put it in the game bag to discover a few seconds later, it was still moving. Brandi reached in to dispatch the invincible rabbit, and we continued on. About 15 minutes later, Brandi kicked up another rabbit. If Katana had been sitting anywhere other than where she was, she probably would have missed. The rabbit ran into the wind which was gusting to about 20 mph, but she took a crosswind flight and scored. Another transfer and we started walking back to the truck. I think that Katana senses when we are heading back, because she still followed, just not as close. Had she been closer, she might have scored #3. We flushed it twice until it took cover in some railroad ties covered in thorns. Unable to reflush we continued to the car and called her to the lure. A great day of hunting, bringing her season total to 26! I think that I will fly her for two more weeks, and put her up for the moult on April 1st. As much as I hate to season come to an end, game is getting scarce and cover thick. The heat is upon us and my girl has earned a well deserved break!!

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